Lindsey Eadie


Lindsey, a devoted animal lover, has nurtured a lifelong passion for the well-being of pets. Since childhood, her family has always had cats and dogs around the house. Being engaged in their healthcare as a child fostered a deeper bond with animals. After a loss in her family, she embraced guardianship of her family's two elderly Bernese Mountain Dog crosses while pursuing studies to become a certified Holistic Nutritionist and Orthomolecular Practitioner.

Lindsey and Lemon from Trueleaf


In her free time, she applied her studies to the care of her large-breed dogs, focusing specifically on supporting mobility, digestive health, and cognitive function. In her role as a Natural Health Advisor, she found herself drawn to helping clients find optimal support for their individual needs. Naturally, this led to clients asking for support for ongoing health issues with their pets and she was more than happy to share what she had learned. In 2017, she entered the pet wellness industry. In her first role, she played a pivotal role in developing Health Canada-compliant formulas as the Veterinary Health Program was being rolled out while managing national sales. Since then, she’s applied her expertise to communicate product benefits and educate retailers as well as to support product development.

At True Leaf, she uses her natural health and wellness knowledge to empower customers and help them feel confident about the products they give their furry friends. After saying goodbye to her amazing companions, Lindsey welcomed an energetic and loveable Golden Retriever named Lemon into her life. Lemon helps out at True Leaf by keeping Lindsey’s toes warm at her desk and as a taste tester of delicious chews. When not at work, Lindsey and Lemon are exploring the mountains and lakes of beautiful British Columbia. They also have a passion for learning about plant medicine together.
